Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Carving our pumpkins!

Marissa as Sharpay and Jasmine as Gabrielle from HSM

Cameron as a Ninja Turtle

Ryan has not been feeling well, but he went out trick-or-treating
for a few houses weraing his Incredible costume.

The Girls - Tristen was a Princess.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

What's been going on.....

We got a new dog - a stray off the streets. We lost Amadeus in January and I've not been ready for a replacement. I guess I didn't think I could find one that would be as good - Amadeus was the best dog in the world. Her name is Kadan (means companion) and we call her Kadi for short. She's about 8 months - and she is a very very good dog!

Tasha got baptized Sunday October 17th
(I was a very proud mom with teary eyes over her testimony)

Meagan got her driver's license and starts beauty school Nov 9th.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sat Oct 17 - Birthday Party and a soft spot

Here we are all dressed up to got to Jordan-Marie's 1st Birthday Party!!!!

Happy Birthday Jordan-Marie

Tonight Mom found a soft spot over my right temple while she was washing my hair. I'm not fond of the pictures. Please pray this spot hardens up, it's a little squishy right now.

Monday, October 12, 2009

No More Drain Oct 12th

Tristen got her drain tube out today. She cried when the dr removed the stitches (mostly becasue he was pulling her hair) but she only shuddered when he pulled out the 8 inch long tube going across her head. She is so excited to be able to wear dresses!!! You can see the hole where her drain was - it should close up soon.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Saturday October 10th

We were finally able to shower Trsiten's head a little today. We couldn't get near the incision, but we got the "red highlights" out of the back of her hair and she's looking a little better. She's doing great, but is impatient with the drain, it is hindering her ability to play "dress up".

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday October 9th

Tristen's right eye swelled shut about 4 am this morning. She was a little cranky between 4 and 5 am, but she dealt well without the visison when she woke up around 8 am. She seems to be handling it all just fine.

And she is still feeling good enough to get outside and play some.

Tristen in the Tub Thursday Night

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Thursday Oct 8th 4:30 pm

Pictures of Tristen's scar and drain - she could care less she is carrying it around.

Rissa, Jasmine, and Tristen

Back at Mom mom and Pop's with the boys.

Thursday October 08, 1:00 pm

We are still on schedule and Tristen is doing great. We are expected to get discharged around 2:00 pm or hopefully a little before. We will be heading to Lara's parents and Tristen will be going home with her drain. The drain can be removed at our family Dr. in a day or two. It's amazing what God can do.

Thursday Oct 8 7 am

Tristen's surgeon, doctors, and especailly nurses have been AWESOME. Most amazing is God's healing hand upon her. We have had a great night, her eyes never swelled completely shut. Her (much bigger) drain has been working grat and her head as not swelled much at all. She has been comfortable, we only used the pain pump 3 times since she came out of surgery. She woke at 9 pm and had a shortbread cookie and some juice. She did the same at 4 am. Doctors were in at 6 am and said she looks great and if it keeps up we will go home today with the drain and her pediatrician can remove it. We are just waiting for breaksfast now!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wednesday 7:00 pm

Tristen has moved to her own room and is drinking apple juice. She is very tired and only wakes up for a few minutes at a time. She looks really good and I'm sure will be waking with an appetite soon.

Wednesday 3:00 pm

Tristen is out of surgery and in the recovery room. They said the surgery went well and Dr. Simmons removed all the plate except for two tiny pieces that are Incorporated in her bone and should never cause any problems. He also placed synthetic bone in two small spots and re-attached some muscles that were causing a small lump near her temple. We will talk with Dr. Simmons more when he checks on her later today. We will also attach some more photos soon.

Wednesday 1:00 pm

Tristen and Mom getting ready to head to OR

Tristen was taken back to OR at noon. She did great this morning, she was in a good mood, and played babies and kitchen in the pre-op room. She did not even cry until they put the mask on to sedate her. Lara got to stay with her until she fell asleep. Surgery should start about took about an hour to put in all her lines. We'll put up a new post and pics as we learn something from OR. Thanks for the prayers for her this morning - it was such a blessing she had no fears or concerns!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tristen's Surgery is Tomorrow 10-07-09

The surgeon called to say that he will be attempting to take out the titanium plate that is in Tristen's skull. He will need to reopen the incision about 3/4 of the way across her head. If he is successful at removing the plate, he will add some more synthetic bone. She will have a larger drain in than last time to try and decrease the chances of swelling which can cause the bone to deteriorate and/or die (which has happened before).

We'll update the post as much as we can from Johns Hopkins.
Thanks everyone for their prayers!!!!